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محمد الشريف

The ninth article/pause with endowment forms for endowment books

The ninth article/pause with endowment forms for endowment books

The endowment has great and great importance in Islam, as it is an ongoing charity for the Muslim after he departs from this life, and that is why many notables and men of thought, literature, politics, and history were keen to endow their books and libraries, for students of knowledge, including the rare ones who endowed it on his offspring. To be a student.

It is these formulas:

1)- The formula for the endowment of our noble grandfather, Musaed bin Masoud bin Abdullah bin Surur Al Zaid al-Hasani (1272 AH - 1320 AH), which came on one of his books that he endowed and reached us in which he said: Looking at him, then at the most rational of his offspring, then the offspring of his offspring, then after them, if there is no one left of his offspring, it will be returned to me. a, e

We find in the endowment form for this book, which is a manuscript book (Umdat Al-Talib fi Ansab Al Abi Talib - by Ibn Anba, who died in 828 AH).

A progeny formula for the waqf and the condition of maturity in the event of a disagreement and when the offspring are extinct, it is for the Lal and the tribe of the waqif, otherwise, the waqf is returned to God Almighty.

Whereas the formula of the waqf of the boy, may God Almighty have mercy on him, for his private library, which was the beginning of its establishment in 1354 AH, although its beginnings are from the first endowment of Grandfather Musaed bin Masoud, which we mentioned above in the year 1233 AH, as it is an extension of the first library.

But because the formula of the first endowment differed from our father’s endowment for the library, we consider that the endowment library has gone through two phases, the first during the time of Musaed bin Masoud the grandfather in 1233 AH.

The second was during the time of Musaed bin Mansour the grandson in 1354 AH

The formula of the endowment was as follows: (In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds and prayers and peace be upon our master Muhammad and his family and companions, and after I, Sharif Musaed bin Mansour Al Abdullah bin Suroor, declare that I am in full health, mind and all the legitimate actions that I have established my son Muhammad as a witness to the My library, which I endowed for God Almighty when it was proven to me that he qualified for that, as he became one of the specialists in the science of books, and his books and studies in history and literature testify to this, and they are with him to benefit from and open its door to those who wanted to benefit from the offspring so that they were with him during his life and after his death, If no one is worthy of knowledge and virtue, then the aforementioned library will be a waqf on the library of the Holy Mosque in Makkah Al-Mukarramah and on this the signature and attestation took place. Al Abdullah bin Suroor Signature Testified by: Sharif Rakan Bin Raad Signature Testified by: Sharif Ahmed Bin Mosaed Signature Done in 1422 A, A.H.

From these two forms of endowment, we can deduce the following:

1)- This house of the nobles of Dhul Zayd was the people of knowledge, writing, and reading.

2)- This house of the nobles of Zayd was the owners of libraries and they owned an important treasury in the books of history and genealogy.

3)- This house of the noble Zayd was concerned with movable endowments in addition to their concern for fixed endowments, which are many in their view.

4)- The endowment’s concern that the endowment is for his offspring and his eagerness to be under the hands of the most senior among them urged them to be worthy of the responsibility and trust entrusted to them.

5)- When the endower chooses a supervisor for his endowment during his lifetime, it is conclusive evidence of the rationality of the beholder chosen by the endower.

6)- The waqif was keen to keep it from being lost after the extinction of his offspring or family, so it would be a waqf for the library of the Holy Mosque in Makkah.

7)- The supervisors’ interest in endowing books and libraries, in addition to their interest in their offspring, as they did not leave them poor or ignorant, so they endowed houses, agricultural countries, legal and historical books, and libraries that are rich in various sciences and good things.

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